How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

Dealing with acne can be stressful, not to mention the acne scars that often occur. There’s an abundance of medicated treatments, pills, and over-the-counter solutions that may or may not work. Rather than experimenting with medications that may or may not work, there are natural home remedies and treatments available. If you’re wondering how to get rid of acne scars naturally, here are some options to look into.

Cellustrious Acne Scar Therapy™

Cellustrious Acne scar therapy™ is a non-invasive technique developed to reduce acne scars. The treatment combines medical microneedling with stem cell-based cytokines, in order to drastically reduce acne scars. The treatment can also remove many types of scars, including: post-surgical scarring on the face and body, burns, and stretch marks. To learn more about this treatment, you can set up a free consultation by clicking here.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural plant that produces succulent leaves that secrete aloe gel. This gel is used for many herbal remedies, cosmetics, and food. It’s especially good for helping with the problem of how to get rid of acne scars naturally because of its moisture and soothing components. Aloe vera has antioxidants that reduce swelling and redness.  You can use the gel in its natural form  – straight from the leaf – or purchased in over-the-counter products.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that can combat the effects of swelling from acne. As a natural oil from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree, it can reduce the appearance of raised scarring, and is also used to combat acne breakouts. In addition to acne scarring, many beauty products contain tea tree oil as well. Because of its antibacterial properties, products from shampoos to lotions include it as an ingredient. For best use, apply directly to the skin, or mix with your preferred face wash, and rinse off after twenty minutes.


If you prefer “au-natural”, we recommend raw honey over processed honey. Remember, most honey found in grocery stores is processed, and the darker the honey, the better. Apply a small amount of honey on the scarred area and leave on overnight. Honey naturally moisturizes and cleanses your pores when combined with cinnamon. All of these aspects make honey a great solution for how to get rid of acne scars naturally.

There’s no harm in trying more than one of these natural scar treatments at a time. For best results, we recommend consulting with an acne scar specialist. A specialist can evaluate your needs and provide you with several options, depending on your particular situation. Many of our clients have seen amazing results with Cellustrious Acne scar therapy™, after years of trying products and treatments that proved ineffective. Take advantage of our free consultation and learn more about how to get rid of acne scars naturally.

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